Some Things God Cannot Do #3 A.M.

Ken Burton     2020-05-10

Some Things God Cannot Do #3 - PSALM 119:89–96 INTRODUCTION: In our last two lessons, we have learned from Scripture some things God cannot do, because of His nature. God cannot lie—Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:16–18 God cannot be tempted with sin, nor does He tempt humans to commit sin—James 1:13–14 God cannot forget His promises—2 Peter 3:3–9 God cannot break His word—John 10:35 God cannot remember sins that have been forgiven—Hebrews 8:12 Today, we conclude this series of lessons by studying the implications of this quality of God. I. GOD CANNOT DO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST HIS _____________ WILL A. Psalm 119:89—“Forever, O LORD, Your _________ is settled in heaven.” B. As a result of this principle: 1. God cannot be pleased without _________—Hebrews 11:6. 2. God cannot be merciful to those who refuse to _________ of sins—Luke 13:3, 5; Acts 17:30—31. 3. God cannot _________ men apart from Jesus Christ—Acts 4:12; John 14:6. 4. God cannot save men apart from the ___________ for which Jesus shed His blood—Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:23. 5. God cannot save one who does not _________ Him—Hebrews 5:8–9; John 14:15. 6. God cannot save one who __________ His commandments—Revelation 22:14. C. On the other hand: 1. God cannot refuse one who humbly, obediently, and lovingly ________ to Him—John 6:37–40. 2. God cannot quit __________ us—Romans 8:38–39. CONCLUSION: Let us take comfort in the God’s consistency! What God says, God will do, and we can trust Him to keep His word!

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